“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live; you are important because of how effective you live”

Myles Munroe

Donations are often described as the root of many organisations working for the betterment of society. People are sometimes fazed by the poignant question of selfishness, and one of the main reasons of their mind-set is our society itself. For decades we have been trying to establish a community with no social disparity, and for the same, people have come together in order to serve the underprivileged. The contributors often have questioned about their parts- how and where do they help?

Just like a promise that a soldier makes to its country, donations also have a similar impact to those people in need. In the most recent case, the outbreak of coronavirus disease, which has brought a temporary end to all of our outgoings, our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed donations through ‘PM Cares’ fund, where citizens enthusiastically have contributed. This act of kindness isn’t limited to religious or political beliefs; it rather focuses on ‘uniting people to help through what they can and how they can contribute’. Inspired by our Prime Minister, Teens of God organisation also values the absolute consoling process of seeking shares from those who wish to succour. Their aim through the various food donation drives and distribution of essential commodities to the underprivileged families is to help them overcome this wicked period and to create a positive environment around them.

Donations have always been appreciated and motivated organisations like TOG to carry out tasks. They represent the people impacted and help them communicate with those living in slums, where the donators cannot reach. With the funding, they have served over 100 families in Kirti Nagar, 200 families near Rajiv Chowk and 500 people near Subhash Chowk by distributing more than 800 kg of rice, 500 kg of atta, 300 kg of salt and 500 pieces of soap. When you give and notice the impact of your giving, there is a self-satisfaction. Good deeds don’t revolve only providing aid directly to those in need, but also can be counted in contributions like donations, not only in terms of money. The support received in the form of donations has helped people being impacted and impacting, build themselves by strengthening personal values.

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